Sipisode 2: Holiday Craft Beer News, Festive Brewing Tips, and Perfect Beer Pairings

In this festive episode, we delve into the vibrant world of holiday craft beer. Join us as we explore the latest trends shaping the seasonal beer scene, offering insights into innovative brews and emerging flavors.

We'll share expert brewing advice to help you craft the perfect holiday ale at home, discussing techniques and ingredients that capture the essence of the season.

Additionally, discover our curated beer and food pairings designed to elevate your holiday gatherings, ensuring each sip and bite complement the festive spirit.


so for fun fact number two of the day do you know what one of the most expensive


beers in the world is rbon barage Stout good guess it's actually Oatmeal Stout


and do you know why it is the most expensive beer in the world because it takes a really I don't know yeah Fair it


is because it is made with the world's most expensive [Music]


coffee one and it's two and a three hello hello welcome to our siod body by


beer brought to you by mustard later hello world I'm Chelsea rhods and hey


there I'm Liz Hess and we are diving deep into the podcast Universe with body


beer uh we're your new beer budes you bring your tals of The Tap Room history and a pint and all the culture that


brews along with it that's right this is for all you hopheads Stout snobs and just bubbly banter listeners out there


Welcome to our sode new welcome body VI here welcome thank


you for joining us today we'll be dropping new episodes every Wednesday on Spotify YouTube and wherever you like to


listen to your podcast in addition follow us on all of the social medias under mustard later uh we've got a great


episode coming up for you today we'll be talking about holidays special events seasonal releases and holiday


preparations so grab your favorite room come hang out with us give this episode


a listen today we are indulging in Gold spots ring uh batch 250 I I I saw this


and I saw that it matches your shirt you're going to going to catch me up on what you're what you're doing here later


I'm saving it as a teaser see if anybody can connect the dots also this is Delicious By the way it not sure if you


can get it but it is it was very good is still I still have some still good uh but first we're going to jump


into this episode with one of our favorite segments Brew news Brewing news Brew news Brew news if you are


interested in sponsoring any of these segments or an entire podcast feel free to hit us up shoot us an email we'd love


to hear your thoughts and get something going we'll make a partnership together


oh we'll get into that latero a Brewers ship a Brewers ship all right first


piece of our Brew news here Brew news a Virginia Tech study revealed that global


climate change may actually alter the taste of your favorite


beers I mean I get climate climate change and the discussion how does that work what do you mean well what the


studies showed is that is the climate is changing all around us as we get more or less water in different areas uh


temperatures are getting warmer uh this is actually going to change the flavors of the Hops interesting yeah not just


like yields but that is going to be part of it but actually like the flavor profiles like think think of something


that might be a little more relatable grapes right grapes are so so variant based on what goes around and the


environment sensitive yeah hops are pretty similar okay okay yeah so I


imagine that directly affects the Brew process as well or at least the operations and business behind it


meaning maybe things get more expensive or you don't get access to it or it's limited access yeah yeah I mean some of


your your favorite beers either they might have more less of that hops they might have to swap over to a different


flavor of hops even oh gosh so I start drinking heavily now or I just start storing it in my seller always no oh I


don't need to drink I do like drinking always know okay in the moment yes yes


cheers one of my favorite segments of the Brew news is the beer nomics or the beer economics of it all yeah not saying


we know everything but I love getting my Google alerts in and being like what is happening in the world what's going on


yeah it's going to be I wish like IPA is stored longer sure so you could like


really kind of get the the the verticals and start tasting the difference over years over years they just don't last as


long as Stout so so Savor that next IPA savor it you just you just going to T


taste different might be better might be better could be good might be better sometimes you know forcing change makes


I love change makes things better isn't that how chocolate chip cookies were made is like an accidental change or


something I don't know tell me more I don't know it's something like we have to get into that I know about beer not


cookies I wish I knew more about cookies I probably do I know how they taste I like to eat cookies


yeah Cookie Monster all right uh shout out to uh


let's see new school beeren cider web magazine uh they recently did an article


on Partnerships and collaboration within the industry as a means of breweries


surviving uh here's a fun fact not stepping on your fun fact toes but do you know who makes the house beer for


Red Robin the burger place where you get endless fries I I do not New Belgium New


Belgium New Belgium makes their house beer oh yeah I got one more for you what


about Buffalo Wild Wings you know who makes their house beer you made you did a Buffalo New York


we went to their Brewery in Chicago it was a pretty big hit on our short


segment um it was about Stouts Sil o silent o interesting very neat huh they


make their logger house beer just house beer house beer probably a lger yeah you know it's not often that I


say let's go to Buffalo Wild Wings but now I'm kind of like maybe let's go uh try out a a brusi yeah I do miss the


days of endless Buffalo Wild Wings in my


mouth last time I went I did not have a great you got to have a good cook on


those wings it wasn't even the cook our poor server I think


about 4 and a half inches of her ass crack was hanging out and she couldn't stop bending over at every table and it


was it was a lot of butt crack and I'm someone that notoriously has my butt crack out it was it was a lot of butt


crack a lot of ass a lot of ass going on at Buffalo Wild Wings


was that here in the Denver area I'm not GNA say where it was I'm not going to throw anyone under


the bus but people that were there you know what butt crack I'm talking


about fair if you're listening thanks for listening uh yeah so Goose Island and


Buffalo Wild Wings thanks to them for making their house beer so how do you think that's going to contribute to the movement of the


space going forward like obviously those are big names and they're a big places but does that really help the small


craft Brewers sure sure and and I think you see it a lot already uh you get some celebrity endorsements coming through um


you get Brewery on Brewery collaboration those are amazing Partnerships you get


uh local restaurants teaming up they don't have to be big names right teaming up with local craft Crews um any any


sort of strategic partnership or just relationship right that's that's good for Life advice that's good for


businesses advice just uh in general so Partnerships and collaboration so if


it's a win-win it's a win-win one of the Brees we used to work at did uh had a a house


beer on it one of the the he but I don't remember which bar it was on it but that


was that was I mean it was years ago it it was more than a minute ago but that was that was like one of the first times


I'd seen it at a a smaller Brewery and I thought it was really cool and then we just heard about uh two of the local


breweries here that are going to kind of combine into the same location and I thought that was a really good


partnership opportunity and it'll be interesting to see where that takes and how many other Brewers like are going to


start going on something along that realm I think there's some logistical issues of like you can't have three or


four Brewers being hired but if the Brewer is the owner and now you're just kind of doing like a REV share and split and stuff I could see think makes good


sense oh yeah just save on rent so it's kind of anver yeah yeah I I'm kind of


excited about that I mean if I was looking up stuff and they were all equal


distance and I had one Brewery to go to or I could go check out two in the same


place and it's still considered a brewery like I don't I don't know how that affects the licenses versus like a Tap House either well I often think


about Old Chicago um say what you will but they're amazing for supporting local


breweries and they have what 40 taps or something like that consistently and


especially the the one over in Westminster and I'm sure they're like the all around but that's usually the


only one I've ever been to or go to um that's an that's an incredible partnership right or tap takeovers right


and maybe that's just a conversation for distribution right it's great topic we could talk about that over and over yeah


see we're more partnership I love collab beers I will almost always choose a collab beer if there's something on tap because why not I like having two


different breweries make something together that they think is great sure so fun the more the marrier The More We are the


world we are the people the more the marrier uh yeah and then in a local news


update okay so you asked about the beer why are we drinking gold spot right yeah


why do I have the shirt on yeah so actually it's a shout out to kalissa and


the crew over at gold gold spot bring uh kalissa was actually awarded with the Brewer of the Year award over at the


vine pair next wave Awards wow that's awesome I did not Kissa yeah that's


super cool also your beer is amazing this is be amazing we did a bregy tour


there yeah check check out one of our shorts we did do the tour we did the tour there a great place great Mission


great people there's not enough good things to say about started from the bottom now she's at the top keep refer


and drink that is twice that is twice this one works really well though we'll give you that one yeah Drake if you


would like to sponsor a segment we will keep throwing in quotes from your songs


yeah you probably need our presence to be more popular obviously so let us know


we're willing to sacrifice and allow you to come onto our platform not even a


sacrifice I'll just screw it over all right well that's some good


Brew news let's jump into a little more serious q& a yeah yeah we're really


excited about this one uh this came up on one of the Facebook uh beer groups


that we follow this conversation had I mean at least when I looked the other day over 170 comments which is massive


uh and it was probably easy eye opener of like we should probably talk about this so we're going to jump right into


it it seems to be nearly a trigger question for people uh yeah there was a


lot of animosity in the comments a lot of animosity which I just was not expecting but it happens uh so the


question so the the the general question that came up was soone that was posting


said that they have a customer that comes in this person that's posting this was The Tap Room manager right lead lead


lead bartender and basically they have this person that comes in uh they hang out for a decent amount of time they


come in regularly they ring up around to $7 tab they play the games they they use all the resources but they never tip M


and didn't didn't know what to do about it and so here we are let's jump in what


do you do about a non- tipping regular Elizabeth gosh uh I mean if I was


standing behind the bar right now I may have a different opinion but um you know


I I built my entire life and career basically from being a servant to the


industry right whether it be behind a hotel counter a blackjack table um a bar


whatever it might be you know tipping has always been brought up so if there's a regular sitting there I I cannot now I


can't shun the person I I don't think you can in general um so there like like we said there was a lot of animosity


around do do you say something to the person uh do you not say anything to the person how do you treat them how do you


not treat them and so I definitely have to lean on the side of they're still


supporting the business right so they are sitting there they are drinking your product um and in a way if they're


bringing anybody else in they're also spreading word about your product right so hopefully even hopefully hopefully


you hope that they're at least kind you know they say thank you I at least hope they it seemed like they did and and it


could be different in a different situation for sure I think from the the question they said they the the person wasn't awful they weren't great they


they're just kind of there so they they weren't a total jhole or anything


jackass a jack hole an [ __ ] it's jhole I don't even know what that is you


can coin it or you can let it go yeah uh yeah so so so what what's is you can't


necessarily treat I think you can be a jhole to them I don't think you should do that I don't think you should do that


um whether it's just basic minimum hey practice your serving skills the glass was clean I made the perfect pore and I


presented it to them I made sure if the bear was empty I filled it up uh you know and and and I thank them for coming


in right um end of the day you're the bigger person


again I've lived on tips my whole life so I know how important they are not saying that they're not and just saying


you got to be the bigger person right they're one of how many people that walk through the door and and if they set you


off in a bad mood that may affect the rest of your day yeah don't let them do that don't let them have that control over


but try to do the best you can and treat treat them treat them well yeah maybe not over


the top yeah I think don't go above and beyond I think there's you could there's


there's kind of like a a reasonable expectation of yeah I mean I get why it's frustrating and and even more so


the at least from the post I'm pretty sure they sat at the bar which is a note for anyone that's a customer listening


to this like that's your that's a bartender's Prime spot for regulars that's like VIP sittings so like go to a


table don't necessarily take a bar seating because that's that's like the gold spot of like the people that bring


in their families to come like see you over the holidays and like your best regulars usually sit at the bar so it I


get why people would be frustrated by this sure uh I think end of the day like


I I agree with you you can't you definitely can't be mean to them you can't ask them to leave you can't ask him to tip I I don't think that really


on any realm you should cross that barrier of talking about your finan and tipping with your your guests I think


that is a vicious cycle that can get out of control very quickly so I would never recommend that with them uh but don't


let someone control your mood that way you already know it so at that point just accept it and move on like we've


all had the people that don't tip just move on with your day like you can don't be an a-hole to them jhole jhole to them


and like give them give them good service uh you could try to in a way make it like a game I don't know try to


get them to tip maybe maybe you do the opposite maybe it's a slow night and like you go way above and beyond and


maybe that gets them to tip but don't go into it with the expectation of it because you already know they're probably not going to but just like move


on with your day the that's kind of my stance on it I think just there is a


percentage of your paycheck that is not based on tips that is consistent and


it's guaranteed and it's because of that 70 $70 bill the person racks up three


four times a week that they're in there they are they are still paying your your


your wage yeah so like you just you just can't say anything but I did notice uh


what I wanted to talk to you about there was a lot of comments about like oh let it be and like tip culture is stupid and


we shouldn't have to do that it's like to not dive too deep into the animosity like I have thoughts on that


do you have any thoughts built up around that uh whether or not people should tip yeah


just like the tip culture in general where I think people get lost in the battle of the tip culture is well then


fine everything's just going to be more expensive like to pay a livable wage it comes because of the tips so instead of


your $6 beer and you tip a dollar on it now it becomes an $8 beer because they got to pay


everybody you know I mean depending on where you live different like wages but you got to pay everybody a bunch like so


it's to me it's kind of a half dozen one or the other blah blah blah thing like whatever happens you're


going to end up paying for it um and honestly I think tipping is going to be


less than what you probably are going to pay if everyone just had to get paid a


livable wage and tips weren't a thing that's a good point um it's just I mean we we we just jumped into this like


lower prices for competition and then kind of shot ourselves in the foot without getting too intense in it but


like you're going to pay it no matter what so I think because you hate the tip culture you're also taking this out on


the wrong people like you're taking it on the people that really do need it to live and you you're not really making a


good stance to you're yelling at the wrong person you're yelling at the person that one is just getting harmed


by it and they can't change anything about it so like take your take your movement elsewhere and don't take it on


on the people that need it I guess yeah wow that's all want to get into it yeah


not I I was surprised at the animosity that like people were just so hard-headed like culture it's a specific


group right I mean it's a it's a service industry group service industry being


Hospitality weirder so that I found pretty surprising um I'm all


about good service absolutely they came they came to talk to you not necessarily


hear your stories right because they they want to share with you their lives and their experiences but how you


present the the beer the food or the cards whatever it is that you may be doing I mean it's an


experience that that is what uh what you people come in to see yeah so it could


be interesting to get into that a little bit more at a later time maybe pondering a little bit maybe we drink a little


more and then we could just super banter about it back and forth um but now is


the best time any for everything other like thanks for visiting at least every Brewery Bar Ceno Hotel I've ever worked


at thank you right thank you thank you for showing up thank you for supporting


the entertainment that we've presented to you this is kind of like entertainment so thank you for supporting this it is entertainment


right just in a different way it's literally what we plug ourself under yeah entertainment entertainment it's


not travel anymore I did make that mistake yeah it happens and we're not education cuz there's a lot of work we


have to do if we plug self education we have to talk about the lessons we're teaching it's exhausting so we'll just


be entertainment is it sylli platypi syllabus platypus that's a good like


warm-up statement actually I like yeah I do like that that's better than H Brown Cow we're we're we're going to be um


making sure and and we contribute on these groups so this is we're not trolling by any means we appreciate the


comments and suggestions that do come in this one was kind of near and dear to the heart so we wanted to make sure we touched we touched on it um if you guys


have questions we're going to prioritize questions that come in directly to us but and this was this one was just too


good to resist and yeah plug them in let us know we we'd love to hear hear your


questions and hopefully you want to hear our thoughts on it I guess we'd love to know your question you want to hear us


talk about I think that's how they put it just just in a different way we're


just being blunt about it on to the next segment the main segment the main


segment oh God I have to start it the holiday season is upon us comes with


an exciting array of seasonal events Brees transform from buzzing hubs and


festivals that's true what's your favorite part oh my gosh uh and you're


so right Chelsea absolutely from October Fest to Christmas Ale releases breweries


bars tap rooms brew pubs casino hotels whatever it may be um they're creating


experience that bring communities together um I'm going to go on that over and over again because my life has


brought me to the point of community communication and collaboration and I help write the scripts so this is what


you get yeah there you go um yeah so cozy tap rooms adorned with lights and


decorations and Christmas cheer people are like oh my God the Christmas music's


already playing and I'm like I love Jingle Bell Rock it's so much fun I love


Halloween at the end of the year cuz I love decorations Nightmare Before Christmas I


love when they're crappy I love when they're gorgeous I love every aspect of


all of them nice I just like seeing what people come up with and it's just fun like it's such a fun way to


Showcase your personality either as like the owner or the Brewer or the the crew whoever kind of gets it going it's like


such a fun way to just be like we're a little bit unique like we we wanted to go to one of the bures that had like a


whole H in we just didn't unfortunately ended up making it who had the haunted house uh called arms oh that would have


been fantastic we were going to try to trick Kevin into going and then we didn't and we didn't go downtown so we


couldn't trick him into going okay CU he doesn't like scary stuff um like scary things but like how fun like it just


gives you this chance to show this other side of yourself as a a brewery and it's just it's just so much


fun like for the most of the Year everything kind of stays the same but all of a sudden you get a really Express


differently and I'm sorry if you've ever worked in a place that decorates on any


of these holidays everybody walks in and just has an awesome smile people love it


whether they want to admit it or not it completely livens up the mood the the decorations are what make it a festive


time it's the energy that it changes and you have fun events like like oh yeah


like the ugly sweaters or dog costume contest like those are some of my


favorite ones and they just they never they never get old like what do you have any like favorite ones that you've seen


I'm all about the Santa photos Santa love Santa photos especially


having sit there with REM Remy is my dog the dogs she makes the family she's really photogenic yeah um Toys for Tots


I'm all about giving and food drives uh whatever you event you can do


to you know give during this time of here right um be thankful for what you


have and maybe give give some because you can or if you can't that's okay too


walk around with smile smiling is my favorite contribute to the awesome happy energy I love what you're saying it is


it is truly about the ambience I mean is sticking with the theme of it's about the unique experience that you present


for people I'm not just walking in and seeing the same marble countertops or yeah the same bar I mean this bar now


has Garland and lights or candles whatever it may be all the fun


or Halloween in your case apparently would be U uh the Pumpkin King Jack uh


the skeleton with a Santa's hat on maybe is that kind of what you're thinking it doesn't matter this is Halloween this is


Halloween to some places I just I don't know I love it I just I love seeing that extra bit of Personality come out for


sure um and it I gu said it brings everyone in a good mood makes people happy uh I think it also like it from


being on the side of the bar I feel like when people walk in and they see that openness maybe I feel like it's almost


an exaggeration call it the vulnerability but they see that openness of the bar all of a sudden like they


feel more open and they want to experience sorry experience they want to share and talk about their experiences


absolutely what are they doing for the holidays how many people do they have coming into town what's the spread look like are we doing turkey we doing ham we


doing tofu like what's up yeah it's just an exciting sides and it starts off the seasons


where we kind of touched on this before it was always my favorite is uh people start bringing in their family that's in


town and it's just the coolest feeling to have to know you are that special to


people and you you got to meet my bartender Chelsea yeah right like it's just so cool and that's the start of


that season and it's great I love all of it fair this is just the start of it


going forward you know what else I really like are the seasonal real releases right so not only is we kind of


forgot to talk about beer no we didn't we're just getting into it we're ramping it up oh so you've got lights you've got


music you've got bartenders beer tenders weight staff conci ready to serve you a


beverage or an experience and some some breweries wait all year to


release or months sometimes two years depending on the age of the beerer yeah


Stout yeah wild Christmas sales yeah I think


the because it's the season of like darker bigger more boozy beers you get


to have those big special releases you said before like ipas just don't necessarily age that well and you have


you have piny you've got these like yeah you've got like these big ipas that do come out and they are these huge events


like don't get me wrong but like that's not the same as something that's been Aging for 18 months 33 months I have to


go pick that up from New Image by the way oh yeah um so it's just it's just it's a really special season and it I


feel like it kind of gives the the the Brewers a chance to really showcase something special absolutely it's a lot


of risk and it'sot it's a lot of me buying way too expensive beers that sit in my beer


seller there is a lot of bottles on the shelf for sure but they're so good and it just it's like you feel the love and


excitement especially when you can hit up those bottle releases like just everyone's there just excited oh man


I've been working so hard on this and there's just something really Co the limit can I only buy five by six I


really want six want all of them and then you give them away as gifts I think it was two years


ago um up slope again had a barrel AG


release and I never even got to try the beer till a year later when y'all were


like hey we got one more God I gave them yeah we gave the rest of his gifts but they're great


gifts like unique beers that they're they're never going to that was my dad for poor peppero yeah people aren't


going to find them again and they're special and they're fun to share right it's the season of sharing sharing is


caring and it's about sharing it together and that's the beauty of craft beer in general you just get to share everything together I love it and you


really got to give it to the establishments again breweries know this day comes around every year they have a


calendar they watch it they're prepared they're all about being proactive yeah that's fair we could get into that too


proactive versus reactive um drinks giving for example what is drinks giving


it is the number one to go sale of uh beverages in the crafter industry the


day before Thanksgiving is that correct am I saying that right uh it's up there for most bre is for sure top five top 10


yeah you definitely want to be stocked up on stuff to go I mean Christmas is up there but Thanksgiving for whatever


reason just cranks out beer just gets stuff prepped you're not going to over prep and it's a it's a good uh a good


day to make sure that you are not caught off guard or you don't have your fridge


full or you don't have enough stuff pre pour yeah make sure you've got to go in


maybe it's the opposite maybe we're over here like oh we love that families come and visit us and our regulars are like


oh my God I need like three extra cases cases because my mother-in-law is going to


be I need the good stuff Liz they're like they're like these [ __ ] will


talk to my family entertain them yes come entertain look at this is my favorite bartender


entertain my mom please dance monkey dance isn't she funny and we're like a


and they're like thank you I mean that in a great way yeah yeah still love it don't care whatever the


motive is behind it still a big fan of that favorite favorite part by far uh if


you don't we recommend following your favorite Brew tap rooms Brew PRS uh on all of their


social media so that you can actually stay up to date on those releases coming out special events uh there is not a


uniform way to see what everybody's doing Under One Roof so make sure any


time you visit a a your favorite Brewery or a new brew and you're like oh my God I really like their stuff or I like the


Ambiance I like the bartenders like make sure you're following them so you can stay up to date with what they're doing


especially with holiday times and uh really release release events especially during the this particular season yeah


get some special beers but you don't know if you don't know do you have any um any like one particular memorable


holiday story behind EI behind the behind the bar or I love I love the fall


I've said that already I love October Fest so I love and this is not Christmas by any means I love when October Fest


season rolls around and I get to put my lady hosen on and for those of you that aren't


familiar with Lady Lady hosen it's later hosen but they're short for ladies like


myself who maybe don't want to put the durndle on or whatever reason it may be


I like I like my short shirts and I like my suspenders and anyway so and it


really gets the people going cut are they cut off it's not ass crack cut off but it's like like your Jorts the it's


the J version of German Jorts made of leather because you need leather


working in the fields but if you're wearing short shorts it's not really protecting anything but that is that was


always my favorite because getting in costume and getting into so I guess it isn't one particular story but you said


yeah I did say a particular memory I could bust out the picture from uh the Halloween when I was the Ratatouille rat


that was pretty funny that was pretty I do like Halloween it was it was for like a 5-year-old and I barely fit into was


yeah yeah the costume the costume was I couldn't I could fit into it but I couldn't move like when I when I got


into the car I had to get drove to work cuz I had to lean all the way back to get into the


car and then when I got in Johnny had to pick up everything that either I would drop or like storage From Below cuz I


couldn't fend over so you were a terrible rat I was a terrible rat and I was like help me I I couldn't get


anything up the feet came out of my knees cuz it was so well thr a picture of there I was thinking Christmas


stories thought they out of two I always love that people they bring you know


their special treats um there was a particular husband and wife and their little girl that came up to the last per


I worked at and he made amazing peanut brittle and I love peanut brittle and


they share that with you and I was just like thank you for sharing right because they're like hey you're giving us be


here's some yummy treats I I love the treats that come in absolutely please that's we do a lot of treats yeah for


Halloween I don't like that one as much everyone tends to come dump all their leftover candy that they okay with that


they didn't want this it's just like all the Twizzlers I love Twizzlers yeah but not when there's like a


thousand somebody probably wants a Twizzler so then you just reput it back up on the bar just put on the bar


someone eats it eventually candy always gets eaten eventually there you go all right I want


to hear some more fun facts uh brought to you by Chelsea but could be brought to you by you yeah whoever wants to


sponsor that let's a oh I love that intro that was really nice okay I think of holding them in my back pocket for a


special day such as today so the first one mhm do you know the rumored


story of where Box come from Bo beers the composer yes yes yes


he uh was born a long time AG no fck beers okay no I don't so this is I'm


going to I'm going to lay the groundw work this was acknowledged as like an ongoing joke this is not an actual fact


but it is fact that is was a an ongoing joke with the Brewer World Brewing world


uh that Bach beers happened to show up you know tend to be a little bit more of


like a fall to winter and it was right after the the Brewers way back in the


day would do their like big clean and the big boil to like get all the gck out of uh all their tanks


oh I see where this is going yeah yeah and so the joke is Bach beers are just all of the leftover credit from their


tank for the year from the year of Brewing so they're [ __ ] well they're the


leftover guck just kidding we'll call it the guck is is the joke they're not actually from that but that's that's the


joke is that they're the guck beers of everything left over I like that so it was really just like a convenience of


timing yeah seasonal we're talking about seasonal we're releasing dark beers but


we're also cleaning the tanks from you know yeah clean thema just got done a brewing we tend to clean more than once


a year now but like back in the day like they they just kind of just it's kind of a cast iron pan you just kind of let it


do its thing no yeah know they don't do that so it was the guck that's the joke of the buck


so it's like a fact but not fact it's like a wise tale of of silliness so I liked it I enjoyed that one so for fun


fact number two of the day do you know what the one of the most expensive beers


in the world is revon barrage Stout good guess it's actually Oatmeal Stout and


you know why it is the most expensive beer in the world because it takes a really I don't know yeah Fair it is


because it is made with the world's most expensive coffee okay and that coffee


comes from the cabbat cat which is nearly a weasel it comes from their


poop so it's poop coffee poop coffee Oatmeal Stout poop coffee Oatmeal Stout


most expensive beer in the world the stiic cat the weasel the stiic cat yeah well it's like is it a weasel is it a


cat I don't I don't know if they totally know but basically they like from their guano that's how they collect the coffee


beans from their poop yes so apparently they uh they they have a very fruit Rich


diet and then they also eat the the coffee beans and then when they poop it out they don't fully digest it in it has


a very fruity Cherry Berry flavor and so they like grab the not fully digested


coffee beans from the poop make coffee it's the world's most expensive coffee and now also the most expensive beer


would try would also try but it's still poop beer I love that poop beer is the


most expensive thing in poop coffee that's hilarious to me everybody loves a


good poop joke Lov a good poop joke good clean family fun right here and you saw it on body by beer


now we got through our fun facts uh what do you have for some uh food pairing for us Lizzy oo bruis and bites any oh bruis


and bites I like that anything to do with poop absolutely not bummer that was


that was fun we already did Oatmeal Stout at least for this season so we


don't have to venture back to that actually what I was thinking uh we were going to talk about a Spice Winter Ale


okay is the season and a hearty beef stew the season right um comfort yeah


warm Foods um UPS slope out of Boulder Colorado they've been known to do a


really good uh Spice Winter Ale in the past so if you're in the area um check


out either of their tap rooms maybe they've got one coming up um on tap in a


bottle and a can um not sure yeah it's definitely one of those beers we talked


about earlier that I've spent way too much money on yeah we did bring that up yeah they are 100% on that list for me


yeah also they just celebrated their 15 year anniversary 15 yeah congratulations


to them we were there y okay so why a Spice Winter Ale in a hardy beef stew so


um The Spice Winter Ale seasonal beer it's typically uh multi sweetness and


the Symphony of spices such as cinnamon nutmeg and cloves


and it has a medium body and caramel undertones okay sounds good so far right


especially on a chil day and then the hearty beef stew it's a rich Savory comfort food kind of dish um with tender


pieces of beef root vegetables yeah and a nice gravy so is it is it the beef or


the veggies that are like really making this pear come to life this pairing come


to life yeah really it's both it's the earthiness it's the earthiness of the root vegetables and the beef perhaps um


that complement each other um so the spices of the winter ale and that earthiness kind of enhance that overall


experience between the two okay all right and then also they rather than complimentary is the opposite they have


an contrasting textural experience so uh


the liquid party nature of the stew and it provides that nice contrast to that


effervescence interesting so so you're not only like pairing


levers in in complimentary flavors and then whatever the opposite of


complimentary flavors are contrasting contrasting thank you but you also uh


are pairing like the the mouth peel yeah yeah absolutely Yeah medium body right


we're always talking about mouth feel when we're talking about our drinks and our foods for sure right is it's that


overall experience right that overarching topic of giving a unique experience and for these two in


particular that balance is really in the robust flavor of of both of them and um


they they definitely don't overpower or disappoint the other all right that's I never I never thought about comparing or


trying to pair the the mouth pel with it does the does the contrary mouth feels


also work as a pairing or just on flavors uh it's it's a textural


experience you do opposite let me get to into it yeah yeah so uh so our other option is a dessert for your sweet tooth


out there uh so the Spice Winter Ale again look for those characteristic spices and subtle sweetness a pean


pie that's my favorite pie yeah excuse me I know that's like the worst for you


but like it's pie if I could have a peacon pie versus yeah but it's like way worse it's like drinking like a a barel


ag sou no thinking the the the white Russians oh sure where there's like,


1500 calories and each the uh yeah pecan pie is the worst I mean can survive off


of white Russians we can survive off of white Russians like peon or pumpkin like


oh it's so good peacon trumps every pie it's a it's a gooey gooey sweet filling


crunchy dessert and that buttery crust don't forget the crust it's all about it


so um they have a harmonious sweetness these two so that's not contrasting but


more compatible but like the mouth feel how how do the mouth feels like sure that textural play yeah so you have the


crunch crunchy pecans the smooth filling and again I'm G to come right back to it


they contrast with the effervescence of a beer oh okay so it kind of like helps


wash it down and that's what people say wash it down brighten brighten it up a bit almost change the flavor a little


bit changes it subtly I kind think of like this is more complimentary yeah I would say this is a little bit more complimentary like the opposite I would


think of something that you're like oh this is heavy and I want this bright beer to like offset the heaviness yeah


this one is where the the spices of the ale add an extra layer of complex to the


pie making it more rich and multi-dimensional if you


will Multi tensional not there multi taste


tasal no we'll stick with multi-dimensional yeah we'll get there someday guys so sweet tooth or savory


bites either delicious with the Spice Winter yeah sounds amazing thank you


yeah yeah they are good there'll be some uh some good bits in there yeah for I mean you kind of have like a mash up


here right like we don't necessarily only appeal to Brees and and beer but like there's a whole food piece in here


that oh yeah you know they they're 50% of this equation that they got to be in there helping out and get a food truck


in that's kind of making stuff that pairs specifically with beers those it hands especially your beers hands down


if I go to a place and they're like hey this pair is really well with whatever beer on top I will order both of those


like there's no doubt in my mind I will order those and like why people don't focus on that more at the marketing is shocking to me


love a good beer and food pairing so good what a great spot for collaboration too I mean we touched on Partnerships


and collaboration so yeah beer and food I mean one of the most beautiful relationships of all time yeah


deliciousness anyways that is it for the current code brought to you by Body by


beer Body by beer Body by beer thank you for tuning in to our podcast uh again


please subscribe uh it means the world to us you can subscribe YouTube uh Spotify or really anywhere that you get


your podcasts and then also follow us on social media at mustard later we put up


lots of fun videos we put up our bloopers we put up us being mad at each other it's great it's a great time you


really just get to watch us at our our RW Forum it's it's fun it's fun for all good good clean family fun good


clean Family Fun make sure to tune in next week uh as we explore more fascinating sales from the World of Beer


uh we'll continue to discuss the ideas around holidays yeah you got them it's Seas yeah we got some big ones coming up


here in November uh International Stout day oh yeah yeah Veterans Day we'll be


honoring Veterans Day yep be good good episode on that absolutely war and beer


yeah beer and War beer and history yeah beer and history how it affects each other odd How Beer pretty much goes with


everything whether it be good bad ugly indiff I don't think it's odd at all I


think it's enlightening I think it's beautiful it's beauti it's beautiful it's beautiful uh We've also got


National happy hour day uh drinksgiving drinksgiving uh pre-day Thanksgiving the


day before we touched on that a little bit ear as well and my favorite small ber Sunday


small Sunday small B Sunday go out and support most of those Brees are doing cool stuff like bringing in other local


companies so you can get like your Christmas gift from like the arts and craft people of the community like


they're great days there a lot of fun so support the small breweries we'll talk about that and what that means for the industry why it's even there looking


forward to my picture with Santa again this year definitely get my picture with Santa it'll be good uh if you have any


suggestions or stories you want to share or talk to us about uh make sure you


drop them in the comments and as always we really appreciate you tuning in and thanks for listening yeah see you next


Wednesday body bye beer by


well [Music]




  • 1: A Virginia Tech Study Reveals Global Climate Shift May Alter Taste and Price of American Brews

    • A Virginia Tech study raises a toast to a potential climate-induced beer evolution. Global warming might just alter your favorite brew's taste and price, thanks to diminishing hop yields and changing flavors in the wake of a hotter, drier climate. While the beloved bitterness isn't vanishing soon, unique aromas might, alongside some craft breweries' budgets as costs bubble up. So, the next chilly IPA you sip? Savor it; it's brewing a tale of climate's imprint on your pint!

Tags: #virginiatech or @virginiatech

  • 2: Shout out to The New School Beer and Cider Webmagazine for their recent article on craft beer partnerships and survival. 

    • Amid a brewing industry slowdown, joining forces is the new brew! From celebrity concoctions to charity cheers, partnerships are pouring fresh flavors and fans into the mix. Whether it's a quirky collab with local stars or a heartwarming blend for a cause, these joint ventures are stirring up the scene, showing that when it comes to brewing success, two heads (or brews) are better than one. And hey, it's not just about the beer; it's about brewing better bonds with every bubbly sip! So, next time you take a gulp, remember - you're toasting to the beautiful blend of brews and bonds!

Tags: #newschoolbeer @newschoolbeer


L: We’re talking about a Spiced winter ale and hearty beef stew. Upslope has been known to produce a great Wild Christmas Ale in the past. If you’re in the Boulder area, make sure to stop at either of the tap rooms to see what they’ve got brewing. They’ve just celebrated their 15 year anniversary, so congratulations to them and thank you to them for all of their incredible beers that they put out to the world.

1. Spiced Winter Ale and Hearty Beef Stew:

What to look for:

  • Spiced Winter Ale: This seasonal beer typically features a malty sweetness and a symphony of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. It often comes with a medium body and caramel undertones.

  • Hearty Beef Stew: A rich, savory dish with tender pieces of beef, root vegetables, and a robust gravy.

Why it pairs well:

  • Complementary Flavors: The spices in the winter ale complement the earthiness of the stew, enhancing the overall dining experience.

  • Contrasting Textures: The liquid yet hearty nature of the stew provides a nice contrast to the effervescence of the ale.

  • Balanced Intensity: Both the stew and the ale are robust and full of flavor, ensuring one doesn’t overpower the other.

2. Spiced Winter Ale and Pecan Pie:

What to look for:

  • Spiced Winter Ale: Again, look for those characteristic spices and a subtle sweetness.

  • Pecan Pie: A dessert with a gooey, sweet filling, crunchy pecans, and a buttery crust.

Why it pairs well:

  • Harmonious Sweetness: The caramel and malty notes of the winter ale harmonize with the sweetness of the pecan pie.

  • Enhanced Complexity: The spices in the ale add an extra layer of complexity to the pie, making the pairing rich and multidimensional.

  • Textural Play: The crunchy pecans and smooth filling contrast delightfully with the effervescence of the beer.

Liz Hess

About the Author

Liz is a Founder at Mustard Later. When she’s not creating a better world for pets and people, she’s reading whatever she can get her hands on, probably drinking a beer, and hiking the beautiful landscape of Colorado.

S1E3 // Strategic Shifts, Sustainable Grains, For The Love of Beer & Travel, Pilsners Pair With Fish & Chips